Aware, Just In Denial  

Posted by Cybil

So many spaces to utilize in this vast world of the web. I find my peace in a space that is known yet is still hidden. I had thought of a way to restrict the traffic and yet still be open to myself and be open to the world, yet closed to those I could yet not open a life of confusion and this life full of indications of frailty.

This day is a realization of the truth that no matter how much I might be in the company of someone, the longing still never dies, until that time that everything is laid down on the line; but this happening seems yet too far away and is even close to improbable.

Right now, all I wish and yet all I fear is this present condition to die its natural death. What am I to do if everything just would not go as I pictured it to be...

A Life Of Subtility  

Posted by Cybil

Prose and poetry define me. It brings out the life in me. There is no other way, but to write it out. My sorrow, my happiness, and my mixed emotions. I live and was meant to die to write. My very existence strives on words, emotion, affection, pain; in other words every aspect of life. Mine is a life spent on the calm atmosphere of pen and paper. None else, but that. I am but an excerpt out of a life totally lived by my host; a host so daring and true. My nature is but a speck on a full blown canvas. I am but a part of a bigger picture. I am me. I am what defines me. I am Cybil.